skate SHOP

dijous, 3 de juny del 2010

Lakai Limited Footwear Web Page

This is the web page were you will can find all of Lakai...

you must to see that!!

Mike Mo's part of Lakai Fully Flared

This is the Mike Mo Capaldi's part of the video Lakai Fully Flared from Lacai Limited Footwear... enjoi It!!

Lakai Fully Flared

Befor I shown you all of products from Lakai Unlimited Footwear that I like... Now I show you one of the last videos from Laki... enjoi it!!

Lakai pizza tees


Manchester select

This shoes are so perfects...

Mike Mo's pro model shoes

If you go to the lakai webpage ( you will see this shoes and more...


I create a new bloc, but this is about the skateboarding material... like dechs, trucks, wheels, grips, shoes, clothes...